Companies in Canada

From 2.800 €

To minimize taxation, Canadian companies are used in international business as the main components of the so-called agency schemes. Such schemes are indispensable in the processes of cooperation with countries that have strict anti-offshore laws. After the creation and launch of the agency scheme, from the user's point of view, the company functions like a regular offshore zone.

Advantages of companies in Canada

  1. High reputation of the country, the lowest crime statistics;
  2. Political stability;
  3. Cooperation of the country with the vast majority of international financial and of course banking institutions;
  4. Lack of currency control;
  5. Insignificant tax losses (subject to the use of an agency scheme).
  6. The highest level of anonymity of capital, due to the absence of the need to publish information about the beneficiary when registering an LP.

How can I open a company in Canada?

Due to the absence of all kinds of benefits or discounts, as well as the strictest taxation rules for companies operating in the state, Canada has received the status of a country with a traditional tax system, which is why doing business in its territory indicates the prestige and increased reliability of the company. Despite this, Canadian law still allows you to open a company in Canada with negligible taxation - an enterprise with a limited partnership (LP). The creation of an LP here takes place with the participation of several parties, one participant is considered the main one, while the rest are with limited liability. Members of an LP may be individuals or companies, of local or foreign origin.

The most popular offshore zones in Canada are the following provinces:

  1. Ontario — in the East of the state;
  2. Alberta is in the West.

The creation of an LP in Canada is most suitable for owners of existing offshore companies in countries for which there are prohibitions or restrictions on trading with EU states. After all, this state is not included in any black list of European countries.

Positive Invest: opening offshore companies in Canada

If you are interested in an offshore zone in Canada and you want to learn as much as possible about it, please contact our company. Our specialists will provide you with highly qualified advice, as well as a package of professional services for the creation and maintenance of offshore companies in Canada, in compliance with all legal requirements without exception. On request, Positive Invest specialists can open a company in a short time, all this will allow you to evaluate the benefits of doing business in this country, on your own experience.


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