Fiduciary services are one of the most common, convenient and effective ways to reduce unnecessary taxes. From Latin “fiducia” is translated as “confidential” – therefore, using fiduciary services, a person concludes reliable transactions and makes choices that justify themselves.
Positive Invest not only creates enterprises in Hong Kong and Singapore, but also operates as a management company and provides trust management services.
Generally speaking, a trust is a legal transaction between a principal and a trustee. The principal puts the assets at the disposal of the trustee - a management company or an individual - and they dispose of them, based on considerations of benefit for the beneficiary (beneficiary). The assets transferred to the trustee form a trust fund. The manager manages the assets for the sole purpose of benefiting the ultimate beneficiary - and their security is ensured by national laws.
In Hong Kong and Singapore, trusts are popular primarily because of the guaranteed safety of invested assets, the reliability of managers and other opportunities that this instrument opens up.