Registration of own banks through the company Positive Invest

The main reasons for the sale of the bank are: pressure from competitors, switching to other business areas or even personal circumstances - the result of such situations is a difficult but necessary decision to sell a commercial bank. This allows you to get rid of the expensive procedure of official liquidation, avoid unnecessary checks by regulatory authorities, and in addition, receive a large sum of money. Often, entrepreneurs initially decide to create a promising startup and then sell the finished business. This approach is becoming an increasingly popular and effective solution for the rapid accumulation of capital.

The times when it was easy to create a bank are passing. An era is coming when new banks with modern technologies and personnel are needed. Creating a new bank can cost the owner five times more and many times more difficult than buying some little-known small bank. Of course, both buying and creating a bank have their advantages and disadvantages. To make the right decision, the owner must decide on the goals.

One of the most important stages in both the creation of a bank and its purchase is the execution of documents and their legal verification. Like any legal entity, commercial banks undergo state registration. Simultaneously with state registration, commercial banks must obtain a license. This license is issued by the Central Bank (CB). The state registration of commercial banks with the permission of the Central Bank is carried out by the regional bodies of the federal service for taxes and fees. A common mistake when submitting documents is the non-compliance of the candidate for the position of chairman of the board with the requirements of the law.

A potential buyer of a bank should be aware that the future chairman of the board should not be convicted of economic crimes, an economic (legal) education is required. Otherwise, the Bank of Russia will not agree on the candidate proposed by the owner. Also, when choosing for the position of chairman of the board of the bank, it is worth considering the fact of business reputation, that is, professional and other qualities of a person. If the indicated qualities of the candidate are not up to par, he will also not be allowed to occupy the corresponding position.

List of founders and copies of constituent and registration documents of the founders themselves - financial documents of the founders are submitted (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow for the last 3 financial years, conclusion of an audit organization on the reliability of these financial statements, copies of publications in which the financial statements of the founders confirmed by the auditors have been published) for individual founders - a tax declaration confirming the origin of income is required. It is required to submit tax authorities, certificates for each founder, about the absence of debts to budgets and extra-budgetary funds. A business plan of the bank is required in the prescribed form, information on the composition of the bank's managers (questionnaires)

The territorial branch, having received all the documents, within a period not exceeding 90 days, must consider these documents and prepare an opinion on them for submission to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In this conclusion, answers must be given on the feasibility of creating a bank, there must be an assessment of the bank's business plan, information on the compliance of candidates for senior positions with the requirements and information on the technical equipment of the building of the future bank. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, having received the documents, must also analyze and verify them, for this a total period of 6 months is given.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, having reviewed the documents, sends the documents necessary for registering a commercial bank to the territorial registration authority for entering this bank into the state register of legal entities for issuing a certificate of state registration and notifying the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia about this.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, having received from the registration authority a notification of the registration of the bank as a legal entity, informs the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about this for entry in the state registration book of the Bank of Russia. The institution simultaneously notifies the founders of the bank that the bank is registered and that a correspondent account is opened for it in the cash settlement center to deposit funds into the authorized capital.

A commercial bank is obliged to deposit funds to the correspondent account in the authorized capital within 30 days and provide documents confirming the payment after this period. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, within 10 days after receiving the documents of the founders confirming the payment to the authorized capital, makes a decision on issuing a license and issues this license, which is sent to the territorial office of the Bank of Russia in 2 copies.


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